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Ph.D. USC 1976. Author. Educator. Psychologist. Parapsychologist, Investor (www.thepsychologyofinvesting.com). Cancer survivor (www.cancer-vcrc.org). expert on PK. Life Coach.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Past lives.

Segment 6 : In 1979 I was as happy as any professor of psychology teaching the stuff I love, when I was asked by my Chair, Dr. Peter Ruth, to develop and teach a college accredited scientific Introduction to Parapsychology. Our first ‘field trip’ was to the Temple of Living Water in Hollywood. There, we were graceously greeted by by a tall handsom Senior Campos, the curator. His face reminded me the face on the Shraud of Turin before he put a black mask on his eyes for the ‘reading.’


Monday, November 16, 2009

Will the Shuttle Atlantis sink?

I sent an article to the student newspaper at the college where I was a Professor of Parapsychology for 26 years, warning that the name NASA gave to the Space Shuttle showed ignorance or disrespect for metaphysics. Apparently, my only way of warning the public is through this 'psychic' blog. I once lectured to wide-eyed students that Mount Everest killed all the climbers between 1900 and 1952 who took it as a challenge to climb to the top - except for Sir Edmund Hillary who asked the living mountain for permission to climb. When NASA named the first Space Shuttle The Challenger, I explained to my parapsychology students that Space is just as "alive" as Mount Everest. It doesn't like to be probed. The Challenger exploded. Now, Atlantis!
When will NASA, or for this matter, the people of Earth, accept that inanimate objects are "alive" in their own way and must be respected. Naming the Shuttle 'Atlantis' invited a disaster. The Island WAS the cradle of civilization, the place of Mount Olympus, the Garden of Eden where the 3 alien brothers landed and mated with Neanderthal women 30, 000 years ago. The island sank because of a religious war!
Dear humans, your history always repeats itself because your "logic" reject the truth. Mount Everest doesn't care. Space doesn't suffer. You do!


Sunday, November 15, 2009

2012 predictions!

As a scientist I can assure you that what will happen to planet earth in 2012 is real, but if you prepare yourself you will be safe. Global warming and the galactic alignment will trigger those flood and earthquakes that are 'bubbling' under the surface and 'need' a 'push.' Famines and pandemics will increase. A global religious war will erupt out of the increase misery of humans. Here is what you can do in case it happens on a global scale, or in your area:

1. Read only scientific books about the 'Armageddon' process. Avoid 'doom's day' scenarios and opinions. They are false. Consult with Astronomy, psychology, parapsychology, metaphysics, and Greek astrology (difficult to cipher).
2. Buy my books, study 'body language' and watch the changes in Obama's verbal and nonverbal behavior. He is a key figure in the process and the barometer as to how Armageddon is unfolding.
3. Hoard food in a secure shelter.
4. Move your money from the stock market to secure savings account until the Armageddon crisis subsides shortly.
5. Move to a secure area, away from dense population centers.

6. The time has come to 'adopt' a spiritual posture to save yourself. Ask me what it means if you don't know.

Knowing human nature, between 2010 and 2013 a lot of 'weirdoes' will show up telling you things. Avoid cults, skeptics, ignorant 'visionaries,' religious fanatics, mental patients, and people with 'glossy' eyes who look or act 'weird.' Stay rational. The Armageddon process is a birth of a new age caused by a galactic force and triggered by human ignorance . All births are 'bloody' and painful, but what follows is peace and prosperity. Learn to truly love!


S5: The missing root - the Neans.

Segment 5: The local Spaniards in the villages called them the Nean cave dwellers, and as the story spread further west and a culture developed among the mountain people, they became known as the Kryptonite people. By the 20th Century before Christ, no one knew anymore where these hybrid people came from, East or West. A legend developed among the villagers who lived at the feet of the Atlas mountains of Morocco that the Kryptonite people had metamorphosed into Gods. Sure enough, excavations by anthropologists along the migration routs between Spain and North Africa found the the skeletons evolved from Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon within 5 Centuries, an impossible evolutionary speed by any scientific theory. These changes in human anatomy were caused by a genetic intervention. The missing root theory was born.



Monday, November 02, 2009

S4: The psychic game.

Segment 4. Call it “The Secret Game of the 21st Century.” Every 3 months, I will print the initials of the top 5 winners on my www. drelk.blogspot.com. At the end of one year, I will ask some of the top 10 winners for the year to collaborate with me on designing, manufacturing, and marketing the most amazing electronic “Psychic” game the world had ever seen!

(To Be Continued)
