I sent an article to the student newspaper at the college where I was a Professor of Parapsychology for 26 years, warning that the name NASA gave to the Space Shuttle showed ignorance or disrespect for metaphysics. Apparently, my only way of warning the public is through this 'psychic' blog. I once lectured to wide-eyed students that Mount Everest killed all the climbers between 1900 and 1952 who took it as a challenge to climb to the top - except for Sir Edmund Hillary who asked the living mountain for permission to climb. When NASA named the first Space Shuttle The Challenger, I explained to my parapsychology students that Space is just as "alive" as Mount Everest. It doesn't like to be probed. The Challenger exploded. Now, Atlantis!
When will NASA, or for this matter, the people of Earth, accept that inanimate objects are "alive" in their own way and must be respected. Naming the Shuttle 'Atlantis' invited a disaster. The Island WAS the cradle of civilization, the place of Mount Olympus, the Garden of Eden where the 3 alien brothers landed and mated with Neanderthal women 30, 000 years ago. The island sank because of a religious war!
Dear humans, your history always repeats itself because your "logic" reject the truth. Mount Everest doesn't care. Space doesn't suffer. You do!
Labels: Metaphysics.