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Ph.D. USC 1976. Author. Educator. Psychologist. Parapsychologist, Investor (www.thepsychologyofinvesting.com). Cancer survivor (www.cancer-vcrc.org). expert on PK. Life Coach.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Adopt a maverick identity!

Start your journey by reading my book, The Psychology of Investing. I believe that I am the only psychologist-investor on the Internet who also uses 'psychic' tools to invest successfully. Let's discuss the whole issue of your extra sensory relationship with money. Spread the word.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Finally, I am an author!

I want to apologize to you my dear blog for not using you since 2005. You see, bloggy, I became an author and put my book www.thepsychologyofinvesting.com on a new book blog called eliorkinarthy.wordpress.com. Furthermore, I got a Twitter too. It's just that I got involved with research how to become a maverick investor during hard times! You can find me on Google too.

Being a psychologist and a parapsychologist, dear bloggy, I still keep my interest in psychic 'stuff.' All you guys, please send your comments. You wouldn't believe what I found out!!!

Dr. Eli