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Ph.D. USC 1976. Author. Educator. Psychologist. Parapsychologist, Investor ( Cancer survivor ( expert on PK. Life Coach.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Warning: Dan Brown's Lost Symbol.

I am responding to the many of you who had asked me on Facebook to cipher the Hebrew origin of names and words in Dan Brown's books. I oblige immediately to preserve the 'order' of Avrah KaDabra (The Lost Symbol, p.408), lest 'chaos' sets in. This word from "Arabian Nights" was the magical word that enabled Aladdin to get the treasured 'lamp' that made the poor boy wealthy, a prince and a ruler. Thus, in fiction, the magic word shows the 'road map' to wealth, love and power. WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW IS THAT THIS WORD CAN BRING WEALTH, LOVE AND POWER - IN REALITY!

The wise Hyksos who worshipped the Law of One (they forgot its origin), migrated South-West from the Caspian area 3800 years ago at the time of "Avraham Avinu" and overwhelmed the Amon-Ra Bli-el people of Egypt. In 1750 BCE, at age 25 Abraham went to Egypt to learn everything about sun worship from the wise Hyksos. 500 years later Moses compiled the laws of the One God, "Vyomer Elohim Yehi Or Vayehi Or." (Genesis A3). Avrah KaDabra became a powerful word in REALITY when God said, "Betselem Elohim 'Avrah' Oto."

AVRAHam, the name of our forefather means to ‘cross from Chao to Ordo (avru in Hebrew means 'they crossed'). Second word in Genesis, "BARA (bra), means to 'create,' and DABER (dabra) means 'speak.' Together Avrah Ka (as is) Dabra in Aramaic mean in English, "and God SAID (the Word, 'big bang.') 'let there be LIGHT and there was LIGHT (photons).'"

You will not find 'Psycholinguists' that can do a Biblical or cosmic analysis as I can. The conclusion for your life is: What you say (your word) will absolutely create what you do or what have in this life! Be prudent with words!



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